Pickens County College and Career Center is located centrally in Carrollton, AL and serves students from all Pickens County high schools, along with some private and home school students. Students have the opportunity to choose career technical programs offered here including: Agriscience, Health Science- PLTW Biomedical Science, Computer Science, Education and Training (Teacher Cadet), Electrical Systems Technology (Industrial Maintenance), and Welding.
Most of our programs include
the opportunity for students to earn credentials or dual enrollment
credit. While Electrical Systems is a full dual enrollment program,
students have the opportunity to earn dual enrollment/college credit in
Welding and Teacher Cadet as well through partnerships with Bevill State
Community College and The University of West Alabama. We currently
offer several academic dual enrollment opportunities as well, including Biology, English, History, Math , Music Appreciation, Psychology, and Speech through Bevill
State Community College.
Student Recruitment
Student Success
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